Well, where to begin? My longest run ever maybe - see my Training Page. Or the fact that I now have 16 confirmed stalls for my Christmas Fair - see the Events Page, or maybe that I have managed to collect from the wonderfully supporting public no less than 22 Grand Raffle prizes!!! - see Sponsors Page.
All in all the fund raising seems to be coming together. I have raised £400 so far. My target is £3000 so I have raised 13% of this. However I need to have raised a minimum of £2300 by the 18th of January. So by my calculations I have raised 17.5% of this - fantastic news!!
I will be emailing out to friends and relatives this week to remind them of what I am going through - out running come thunder, rain (and possibly looking at the weather forecast this week - snow), shaking my tin on street corners and travelling the length and breadth of the country with a 3 foot cuddly Yeti in tow!
The Christmas Fair has a lot of interest. I have written an article for the North Cornwall Advertiser, along with an advert for the Fair - fingers crossed that the editor takes kindly to my submission and I get a bit of press before the Fair.
I have had a lovely email from Holly Day of Pirate FM. If you remember I emailed her inviting her to join us for the Fair. She is a very busy lady, but she will let us know nearer the time if she can come along - that would be great news.
I am hoping for an article in the Cornish Guardian this week - I will keep you posted.
Today saw the launch of my Personal Challenges Competition. The lovely people at Hush (www.hush-uk.com) are supplying a prize for this truly inspirational competition - please see the Personal Challenges Competition page for more details.
And that is about it. My days are full of organising the fundraising and getting mountain fit whilst trying to run a business - so remember everyone - if I can do this anyone can!!
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